
We aim to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees, contractors and customers. At all times, we apply our best management practices to minimize environmental risks. Identifying the hazards to health & safety, we eliminate and control those items in a total risk management process to make ourselves a green partner for all our business associates.


At our best effort, we continue to improve environmental performance in all aspects of working processes and procedures, taking into account technical developments and scientific understanding as well as economic and social constraints. Meanwhile, we also keep continuous progress by joining appropriate R&D studies and joint-developing programs.

We integrate not only environmental policies, programs and practices as an essential element of environmental management at all levels and in all functions, but also ensure all employees, contractors and customers have the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake their work in a healthy and safe manner in this industry.

Lead Recycling

Although there are some other recyclers who could collect waste batteries from the market, TMI is the only certified recycler by government that is qualified to collect the waste lead acid batteries from battery manufacturers in Taiwan. TMI takes a variety of reuse and recycling programs throughout its operations. Waste reduction programs and appropriate residuals management systems are also employed. All the elements of batteries are recycled and re-used by manufacturing companies, which reduces the impact on the environment. TMI’s mission is to recover and recycle lead materials and residual materials that offer economic potential. Through its activities and mission, the company promotes the concept of sustainable development.

Any business or individual can bring their used batteries to TMI facility and make sure that they will be recycled in the most environmentally responsible way. Through this program and our other efforts, we recycle more than a third of Taiwan’s domestic batteries generated each year. This recycling helps reducing the hazardous waste in our environment.



We continue to demand even more stringent quality to compete in the worldwide marketplace. In order to remain a top supplier, TMI maintains high quality standards and has achieved not only ISO 9001: 2000 certification. These certifications verify that our products and personnel meet the highest quality standards.
TMI also achieved IISO 14001:2004 certification. The ISO 14001 program is consistent with the TMI initiative to constantly improve the quality of our products and services, in addition to our environmental and operational performance.
TMI does much more than manufacturing lead products. We believe in working as partners with customers to ensure quality, service, consistency and reliability of supply. Quality is the achievement of high standards to reflect our commitment to meeting each of our customers’ requirements.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy

Thye Ming was established in 1983. The main business is manufacturing Litharge, Red lead, and Lead alloy for domestic and foreign markets by importing pure lead ingots. And supply Lead Antimony alloys for Lead Acid battery factories locally and globally by recycling domestic waste lead batteries and lead slag, etc. Lead ingots are the primary raw material in the manufacturing process. Heavy oil, gas, and hydropower are the main energy sources, organic solvents, specific chemicals, high-pressure gases, fixed cranes, stackers, industrial robots, and other chemicals and mechanical equipment are also used. Potential safety and health risks in the factory are handled in accordance with occupational safety and health and fire protection laws and regulations.

In order to ensure the physical and mental health of employees, we strive to create and continuously improve the workplace environment to reduce the risks of occupational injury and disease such as physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards, human-induced hazards, and psychosocial hazards.

Therefore, hereby declare the company's occupational safety and health policy and promise as follows:
    1.Compliance with laws and regulations: Provide safe and healthy working conditions,
       abide by domestic and foreign laws and regulations, and cooperate regularly with
       inspections and revisions.
    2.Ability cognition: Enrich occupational safety and health education training and resources
       to enhance the safety and health knowledge and ability of employees and related
    3.Injury prevention: In response to the company's occupational safety and health policies-
       Risks and Chance. Prevent occupational accidents, injuries, and workplace violence.
    4.Participation of all employees: Respect gender equality, implement consultation and
       participation of all employees, jointly maintain personal safety, and create a friendly
    5.Safety partners: Understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders, strengthen
       relationships with partners, and expand safety and hygiene networks.
    6.Continuous improvement: Continuously set and review the safety and health target
       framework, and coordinate with the implementation of other management systems.



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